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What is the Long-Term Durability of Locks

What is the Long-Term Durability of Locks

Locks serve as the first line of defense for our homes and businesses, providing a sense of security and peace of mind. However, not all locks are created equal, and understanding the long-term durability of locks is...

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FAQ: Are Locks with Codes Safe?

FAQ: Are Locks with Codes Safe?

Picture a scenario where you've ventured out of town and overlooked leaving a key for your dog sitter. Alternatively, you may have hastily left your home and are uncertain about whether you secured the door. What...

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Decoding the Reality: Can Door Locks Be Picked?

Decoding the Reality: Can Door Locks Be Picked?

Security is a top priority for every homeowner, and the first line of defense is often a sturdy door lock. However, there's a lingering question that has been the subject of countless debates and Hollywood scenes – can...

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